Happy 2010 my good reader. When typing that I almost typed 20010. I wonder what life will be like in 20,010. Now I'm thinking of my own mortality. Blast. So, I hope you all had a fun 6 or so month reading my comics. I have good things planned for 2010. Hopefully this will include my own site, and not just a blog.

So, as a gift to you all, here is a special Narwhal Wallpaper that was previously on my picture blog
And a very special collage of a few of my comics over the past year. It also doubles as a wallpaper. Wow, I suddenly became very happy. Odd.
Hope you all have a wonderful year
-Christopher Lane
P.S Like the new logos?
--Edit, there were 38 comics (not including wallpapers "comics") done this year
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