Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am moving.

So after some thought about what to do with this comic, and all the blogs I have, I've decided I would just move them all over to Tumblr.

Tumblr is a much nicer, sleeker platform, and the iPhone app has a nicer UI. So from now on you can find me here:

My new photo diary. Originally it was a place for me to chuck any pictures I found on there, but after my stay at hospital, and taking some inspiration from another Tumblog I follow, I thought I would remake it. It'll be updated whenever something exciting happens. If the Tumblr iPhone app ever gets video uploads, you'll find videos there too.

My more "serious" blog. It will be just exciting events, or me rambling.

My "photography" or rather, the pictures of things I take with the Hipstamatic app on iPhone

AND finally

That's right, I will be moving the comic over there. The main reason for this is because Blogger just doesn't have that nice of a look to it. Without the money to have a site made for me, a tumblr seems like the best option.

Now don't worry, once/if I start using that site, you will still be able to go to to find it, so as long as that is bookmarked, you won't ever miss anything.

The final thing I have to say is about this little comic "hiatus" and why I'm doing it. Basically, since the only new comic this year was almost 2 months ago, and I'm still not as good as I want to be, I think it would be better if I just took the time to not think about it. At this point of time I plan to have the "relaunch" around June/July. That way I can draw some comics before going live again.

Rambling now, bye

-Christopher Lane

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