Well, it's that time of the year again. The time of joy and merriment. The time, of Christmas music that blasts through shop speakers.
I assume it's aimed to bring us joy, all it brings me is annoyance, annoyance that it's no where near Christmas, yet they're playing it. Not really sure. Christmas makes me bitter these days. I think it comes with getting older. I remember when I was younger, I'd go to bed at midnight (which in those days, was like, super late for me) and wake up at 3a, run outside and open a few presents, even tho mum said not to. Then I'd check the milk and cookies that I left Santa. Then over the years the joy faded. Last year I didn't even have a tree, and I woke up about 10am.
So yeah, I said I was going to do proper comics all week, but I have been like, way super sad. The reason? I'm not saying on here. I don't want to bother my few readers with my worries.
Well that's not true, I will worry you with this; My internet, is again, slow. Fear not tho, I will still update. I can't just miss an update because I don't want to wait the 5 minutes for it to upload, yet I wait 10-15 minutes for Facebook applications to load.
On the topic of Facebook, search Server 404 and join the fan page. I'll add a badge eventually, but yeah.
Hopefully I'll be more, well...happy by Friday, and think of something cheerful. Otherwise, expect me to have shot myself in the head...with a watergun of course. Maybe I'll fill it with sleeping pills, who knows.
Thus ends my depressing blog.
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