I have no idea why I named the blog post what I did. Just did. If you read S404X (link over there-->) you would've seen this lazy ass comic coming. Been so dry on Comic ideas. BUT right now at www.youtube.com/server404tv there is a promo/commercial type thing for a brand new S404TV show.
Cass and I did an improv of it, and it ran for 6 minutes. I was going to post that, but since I don't know how much internet I've used, and I think it was a faily big file, I didn't want to rsik going over, and my internet being slow for a week. Then I couldn't watch Youtube all day, and it would make me sad. The promo came out fairly good. No offence to Cass, but she doesn't have the best comic timing, which threw mine off. All 'jokes' in the promo where actually said by me previously, so yeah.
The promo says it is "The Adventures of Crockie and Sockie" but I've decided "The Crockie and Sockie Show" sounds better. What do you think? Tweet @christopher lane and tell me.
Most of the shows will most likely just be me. I'm going to hopefully buy a tripod and/or a better webcam to tape the shows, and since Cass is 13, she won't really be in the more 'dirty' humour. Plus she has school. All shows with just Crockie will be like "The Captain Crocodile show" or something.
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