New shirt. "The Robot; Natures A*shole" will be up soon. Uploading it to Zazzle now.
This blog is mainly trying out new upload format, and to inform of my new blog Server 404 extras you can find it through the hyperlinked text, or the sites domain is http://www.server4042.blogspot.com/. It'll be Wallpapers, iPhone dudelz, iPhone musings, doodles, all the stuff I over post on this. I'll most likely double-post for a while, until I start rolling a bit of traffic over there. If this doesn't work out, I'll just go back to posting on this. So anyway, thanks to my readers. Love to you all ;)
Edit-- Trying out a new add scheme, so there'll be ad's at the end of my posts. Seeing if it bring in a bit more revenue. If, after 2 weeks, it hasn't, they're gone.
Edit2-- So, I tried out a Wordpress blog. I like it, but mainly for the gallery feature so from now on, I will upload comics on here, but Wordpress will make it look alot cleaner. Go to;
for the gallery overview. In the future I might move it. Have to do a bit of muddling with it tonight.
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