Thursday, August 20, 2009

A competition...really?

That's right, a competition. I know not many people read this, but I'm hoping a few do, so for you, I have a competition. The "Your Mum's such a n00b..." comp.

It's simple, just either comment, tweet, or email me with your jokes.
Some examples are:

Your Mum's such a n00b, she thought +Intellect gear made your character smarter.
Your Mum's such a n00b, I told her to meet me at TB and she went to The Barrens.
Your Mum's such a n00b, she tried to trade a BoP.

All examples are done by me, and based on WoW (World of Warcraft). I'd post an explanation on each, but that would defeat the purpose of them.

The winner will get their "Your Mum" joke drawn into a comic, a link with a personal banner designed by me, for Any site of theirs; be it, Bebo, Myspace, Facebook, A Blog, Youtube, ANYTHING on the side bar of the blog for a MONTH!.

So to enter, Either comment (Below)
Send me an Email at
or tweet me @Christopherlane Try to include a hashtag with either #yourmumssuchan00b or #yomumsan00b if it runs to long.

Enjoy, and I may even include runner up prizes if I get enough entries. So tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their mums. Tata.

Edit- Competition ends August 31st.

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